Maine Phlebology Assoication

Welcome to the Maine Phlebology Association

Since 2009, The Maine Phlebology Association (MPA) has succeeded in bringing physicians and medical professionals together in a collaborative academic environment.

Today, MPA remains committed to providing a community of support for those invested in issues affecting vein health care.

An Organization Devoted Entirely to Vein Issues
The Maine Phlebology Association is an organization for professionals working in the field of vein health in Maine. MPA participants:

Play a central role in advancing issues important to your practice. Get involved.

The MPA Forum
As we continue to build our community, the MPA Forum will become the center of our effort to foster a collaborative academic environment for Maine professionals working in the field of vein health.

Gain useful information and engage in strategy development for advancement of issues important to your practice in an environment of your peers. Log in to the MPA Forum or sign up by contacting MPA.

Join Us
Join us for topics important to your practice by attending a MPA meeting. Or, learn more about how you can help support our annual dinner.